Harzer Straße
New QM area in a district that is diverse, lively and dynamic in many respects.
good neighbourhood | space for encounters
education | public green spaces
The center of the neighborhood is the Neukölln shipping canal, which spatially divides the QM area into two halves. This naturally induced spatial separation is also reflected in the composition of the population, especially with regard to its social structure. In the northern part of the QM area, there are significantly more people who receive transfer payments than in the southern part.
Another special feature of the neighborhood Harzer Straße is the differentiated use of built-up and undeveloped areas. Accordingly, in addition to the predominantly residential use, there are also extensive areas for retail businesses, (large) trade and industry, allotment gardens and for sports, leisure and recreational activities. This opens up a wide range of opportunities to become active in the area.
The Harzer Straße QM area is located in the north of the Neukölln district on the border with the Treptow-Köpenick district and covers an area of approx. 111 hectares. Measured against the Neukölln and Berlin average, the area with its approx. 21,500 residents is one particularly young age and very diverse population structure; in terms of urban planning, it is characterized by a heterogeneous building structure that is used in different ways.
- With the Harzer Schwung, the QM can rely on a network of educational and social organizations and schools that has existed since 2015 and are located in the Harzer Kiez and partly in its surroundings and have an extensive repertoire of specialist and neighborhood-related knowledge ready .
- In view of rising rents and the associated gentrification processes in Berlin, which are also becoming increasingly noticeable in North Neukölln, the QM Harzer Straße pays great attention to accompanying and contributing to the socio-spatial development of the area. It is important that residents are not displaced. Regular exchanges with residents and actors are essential for this.
- Even in the initial phase of QM, it is evident that there is great interest and willingness to engage with citizens and neighbors in the neighborhood. These are important signs of need-based and inclusive QM work, e.g. with regard to the occupation of the district council and the formulation of the area-related IHEK as the next steps of the QM Harzer Straße.
Collective gardening
Harzer Kiez in motion
Cultural festivals
period 2021 - 2025