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QM Flughafenstraße

education - housing - neighborhood

QM Donaustraße

education - greening - meeting

QM Harzer Straße

good neighborhood - meeting spaces - green public spaces

QM Kosmosviertel

good neighborhood - meeting spaces - education - green public spaces

BENN Kosmosviertel

Berlin develops new neighborhoods

BENN Wittenau Süd

Berlin develops new neighborhoods

Anlaufstelle für Bürger:innenbeteiligung Lichtenberg

Contact point for citizen participation in the district of Lichtenberg: orientation and information strengthening self-organization and facilitating further education and professional exchange

Bürgerhaus Steeedt

Requirements analysis for the new Steeedt Community Center in Hamburg Eidelstedt

Educational landscapes

Coordinated educational offerings through methodologically and professionally integrated approaches

Future urban green

The "Future Urban Green" urban development program supports measures to improve urban green spaces. In the neighborhood management area Kosmosviertel, a project began in 2019 to qualify the green corridor that runs through the entire residential area.


Community gardens or roof gardens with vegetable beds and fruit trees - different concepts of the 'edible city' are a worldwide trend. These different approaches are investigated by the EU innovation project EdiCitNet (Edible Cities Network - Integrating Edible City Measures for Social, Resilient and Sustainable Cities), funded by the Horizon 2020 program.

Challenges of digitalization for disadvantaged urban neighborhoods

Digital transformation processes are an important task in urban district work. In the Social Digital City workshop, European pilot projects came together to exchange experiences.


Digital social spaces shape and change our coexistence. On August 21, 2019, the team of the Stadtkümmerei moderated a symposium on the digitalization of sociospatial processes and measures on behalf of the district Treptow-Köpenick. For this purpose, experts of sociospatial practice were invited to face the growing phenomenon of digital social spaces in a pragmatic and creative way.

District marketing

Within the framework of the joint initiative for Social Cohesion (formerly: Social City), the 'local economy' action strategy is one of the central areas of responsibility. Against this background, the various areas of action in the area of linking local economic development and urban development are bundled professionally and methodically to form integrated approaches to action in business-oriented district marketing.